Here you will find information on various services and Art that I offer. You will also discover a wonderful list of references to related websites and books of people I honor and admire.

It is my intention to assist others on their path of healing and awakening. We all different journeys and the world offers a variety of modalities which awaken different people.

I offer healing sessions of Harmonyum, yoga classes, mystical readings and consultations as well as Art.

Explore, enjoy and please let me know if I can be of any assistance.

A bit about me

Spirit is the thread throughout my varied interests and expressing its presence has led me to art, yoga, healing, and extensive studies.

I have painted for many years, traveling and relaying my adventures on the canvas. My travels and subject matters have included Egypt, Mexico, scuba diving and painting underwater, cityscapes and landscapes. Recently, I have been exploring my inner landscape as subject for my paintings and sculptures. Please visit my gallery to view images of my paintings and sculptures both past and present.

I am a certified Naam Yoga instructor. Read all about this incredible form of yoga and view my teaching schedule to find out when and where classes are available. Private and special event classes are available upon request.

Harmonyum is an amazing form of healing which I provide as well as sharing the teachings of practical Kabbalah, through Insight Consultation, to help people gain awareness into their strengths and gifts.

Visit my resources page for links to wonderful organizations, books and other information.

Periodically, I will post some of my latest news that you may find of interest such as gallery openings, concerts, events, workshops, trips and even new books to check out. I’ll even share stories of my different adventures from time to time.

Enjoy exploring and please contact me with any questions and interests. Visit Meet Lili for a bit more about me.